verse of the day

Monday 15 September 2014

The word of God [ Psalm 119 v 97-104]

How do you view Gods word?, the book of Isaiah is a wonderful book,there are those who believe it was written by a number of writers,because they cannot accept that what is called  predictive prophecy .Many of the things Isaiah wrote,had not taken place, the captivity,he writes about Cyrus[45 v1] the king of the Medes and the Persians,who allowed the Jews to return from captivity,these where all future events,that would take place long after Isaiah had died. Of course Isaiah prophesied about the suffering servant,not Israel,but a person who would deal with sin,God granted him a wonderful revelation as to His birth,His divinity  ,and His eternal kingdom,[ 9v 6-7 ].It is in Isaiah we read more than anywhere else of the suffering servant, and His redemptive work on Calvary,in chapter 53, we have a graphic description of His redemptive suffering.This is all predictive prophecy, we must surrender our rational thinking,and humble accept Gods divine revelation.I heard a chap on the radio say how he rejected the Bible for the writings of a particular authors writings,when we do this we are shutting ourselves of from Gods revelation,and the consequences of that. We are asked as Christians to embrace Gods word,predictive prophecy,miracles,Christ the God man,His death and resurrection,
A  prayer...../Dear God we thank You for Your infallible word, in all its fullness,we embrace it wholly by faith,in Jesus name Amen /

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