verse of the day

Friday 12 September 2014

The Kingdom of God. [ Matthew 6 v10]

As one looks back on history we see mighty kingdoms that are no longer,empires that have ceased to be,there is no longer a Roman empire,the third Reich, thankfully is gone,there is no longer a British empire.Even our beloved united kingdom is under threat,as Scotland vote on independence.None of this should surprise us,kingdoms will not only wax and wane,but will cease to be,but there is one kingdom that shall not cease to be,will not be relegated to dusty history books.The kingdom I speak of is the kingdom of God,it is an everlasting kingdom,it shall not pass away,cannot be destroyed.[Daniel7 v14] As we survey the kingdoms of this world,with their massive arsenals of destructive weapons,of their mighty armies,of their financial clout,there is no guarantee that they will last.They are all without exception temporary kingdoms,and it can be said of them here today gone tomorrow.Dear child of God let not your heart be troubled as to the ranting and raving,and pride of earthly rulers,and their supposed invincibility. They remind me of what our Lord taught as to the foolish man who built upon the sand,the building collapsed,their kingdoms are built upon sand,.Consider what Jesus said,My Kingdom is not of this world,[ John 18 v36],but His kingdom will come,He is king of kings and Lord of Lords,and one day maybe soon ,every knee shall bow to Him and every tongue confess that He is Lord.
A  prayer...../ Dear God we worship You,and pray that Your Kingdom may come,in all its fullness,in peoples lives,in Jesus name Amen./

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