verse of the day

Monday 1 September 2014

Maintaining a fresh touch. [ 1 Corinthians 15 v 31]

I have just started reading that wonderful book written by Solomon,Proverbs,here we have book of profound wisdom,Solomon was a man of God,son of Israels greatest king David.Yet even in his great reign ,he acted as a law unto himself at times,accumulating foreign wives, horses silver and gold[Deuteronomy 17 v16-17],this action would come back to bite him.In spite of this God blessed him,in so many ways.In many ways his was a glorious reign,but then we read in 1 Kings 11v 4,/ For it came to pass,when Solomon was old,that his wives turned away his heart after other gods,and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God,as was the heart of David his father/ From a glorious reign to inglorious reign,he became a shadow of what he once was.Many of the kings were like Solomon they sought God and then they departed from Him.which spelt disaster for the nation.// It is possible for the best year of our life,the best experiences we have enjoyed,the best victories,we have won,and the best service we have rendered,to be swallowed up by times of failure,defeat,dishonour,and uselessness in Gods Kingdom.//[Streams in the desert] We must not live with yesterdays blessing,but we must maintain a daily walk with God,as one writer puts it,to maintain a fresh touch from God.
A  prayer..../Dear God help us to see the importance of not living on past blessings,help us to maintain that daily fellowship with You,in Jesus name Amen /
    [ I will return to my blog on Sunday the 7th, every blessing]

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