verse of the day

Saturday 27 September 2014

The unchanging nature of God. [ Malachi 3 v6 ]

Isaiah 40 is one of the most wonderful chapters in the Bible,it starts with words of comfort to Gods children,they have been forgiven,but as A. Motyer points out,/it was not just a word expressing comfort and kindliness ,but it is seeking to persuade,inviting them to respond to love/.His people had sinned,God had dealt with them,now he desires to comfort them and restore them,the question is would they respond?.In this chapter we are told of a loving tender God CP,/He shall feed His flock like a shepherd,He shall gather the lambs with His arm,and carry them in His bosom, and shall gentle
lead those who are with young/, contrary to what some people think,God in the OT,is the God of the NT,He is the God of love,whose heart goes out to his creation in love.Those who choose to live outside His love are still invited to embrace His forgiveness in His Son Jesus,and those who have,to rest in His love.A.Motyer writes,/This love is part of the unchanging nature of God,and thus guarantees a continuing relationship come what may/.
A prayer.,,,,,/Dear God of Love we worship You,and praise You,and rest in Your love in Jesus name

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