verse of the day

Saturday 17 September 2011

Is God pleased with us?. [ Psalm 78 v 38-39 ]

There are some people one can never please, you try your best, but it is never enough, and it is never good enough.I wonder do we not think that about God ,that He looks upon us with a scowl, and no matter what we do we cannot please Him.Now of course God is not pleased when we sin, when we are mean,or unloving,no parent is happy when their children disobey them,and God our heavenly parent is no different.In Psalm 78v39 we read how God remembers that we are flesh, yes as Christians we are children of God, but we are still in this body of flesh,and God knows and understands,that we are imperfect and still loves us.I have a drawing hanging up in my home sent to me from my grandchild, it will never get into the Tates gallery, but I appreciate it, and am pleased with with my grandchilds effort. I like to think that God our Father looks on His childrens weak efforts, and is pleased with their efforts and with them as people.In Jesus we are no longer living under a cloud of condemnation, not looked upon with a scowl, but a heavenly Fathers smile.Today as we try to live for Jesus, and seek to love Him yes inperfectly,our Father in heaven is pleased with us.
A prayer. /Dear God we praise for the grace that saves us,we thank You for the fact that You love us and are pleased with as we seek to serve and love You,in Jesus name .Amen.

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