verse of the day

Sunday 25 September 2011

Gods loving sovereign power. [Jeremiah 31 v 3 ]

If God is not sovereign,God is not God,so wrote R.C.Sproul ,I often mention the sovereignty of God,often preach on it,because it is very,important. Important for each child of God to see beyond their difficult circumstances,beyond their tears,beyond the powers that be, beyond the chaos in the financial world. We continually need to remind ourselves that Gods word declares that He reigns and rules, and overrules in all the events of life.Those men and women in Gods word were often faced with life threatening situations, consider David, Daniel,Esther,often times the nation of Israel were conquerored and exiled. I read of so many dear Christians who are suffering untold misery at the hands of religious fanaticism ,and evil goverments,life for many is very painful. It could be that you are experencing undeserved suffering, life can be very unfair, but God is fair,and He is sovereign, and He would say to you, hold on my child joy cometh in the morning, so wrote David[Psalm 30 v5 ].We may not understand the here and now but God does,and at the center of His plans is His people,whom He loves,with an indescribable intensity.a love that would never cause His child an needless tear.
In all His holy, sovereign will,
He is I daily find,
Too wise to be mistaken still,
Too good to be unkind.
Though I cannot see His goings see,
Nor all His footsteps find,
Too wise to be mistaken, He,
Too good be unkind.
Hereafter He will make me know
And I shall surely find,
He was to wise to err, and O,
Too good to be unkind.
A prayer. /Dear God help us to trust in your loving sovereign power , in Jesus name. Amen ]

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