verse of the day

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Earthern vessels. [ Jeremiah 1 v 6-8 ]

It was Tolstoy who said,/ Dont judge Gods holy ideals by my inability to meet. Dont judge Christ by those of us who imperfectly bear His name/. I know what he means,how often I have misrepresented my Saviour,on a personal level my secret dread is that I will do something that will cause people to judge my God and Saviour because of me. Yet if we did live a perfect holy life,would the non Christian accept Christ?I dont know, some may, but then they may do to me what they did to Jesus. Paul writes of Christians as earthen vessels [2 Corinthians 4 v7 ], yes the best of Christians are but men, imperfect men. William Barclay wrote,/ However great a Christian he is he is still a mortal man, still the victim of circumstances, still subject to the chances and changes of life, still a mortal body with all that body,s weakness and pain/. But we must not finish there ,yes we are weak earthen vessels,but as we are reminded,there is a glory within us, even Christ, and through Him we can make a difference,we can be used to bring glory to our Saviour ,so let us not despair,or shrink back from living and serving our Saviour.
A prayer / Dear God use me,use even me, inspite of my weakness,I am only an earthern
vessel, fill me with thy Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen .

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