verse of the day

Friday 2 September 2011

Gods perfect plan. [ John 3 v16 ]

We continue to consider, God the Holy One, and man the sinful one,this created a terrible dilemma,for God, for I believe God created man in order to have fellowship with Him. Because of sin, true and meaning or lasting fellowship could not take place, and yet God still desired it.Before the problem could be resolved thousands of years must pass,and all the time God was pursuing man. Although mankind messed things up time and time again, and although God had to deal with mankind, He never give up on man, or stopped loving them. Inspite of mans condition and sinful behaviour, God had a plan, a perfect plan so audacious ,so beyond anything that man could have thought up.This perfect plan,would be accomplished by the only perfect man, Jesus,and so it came to pass, it took place on a cross ,and on that cross God was reconciling the world unto Himself [2 Corinthians 5 v 19 ], we will consider this further next time. [ Dear God we praise You for the wisdom , the mercy, and the love manifested, in Your perfect plan of salvation, in Jesus name. Amen ]

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