verse of the day

Friday 1 July 2011

Perseverance . [2 Timothy 4 v 6-8 ]

This will be the third time I have tried to publish my thought for the day, hopefully this time I will succeed, which leads me unto one of the most important aspects of the Christian life, the perseverance of the saints. This is an old Calvinistic saying, but most important it is a Biblical truth, it has that meaning of not giving up. Now for many dear people humanally speaking it would appear an option, to give up, I read of many Christians who would have an easier life, if they only give up. There is so often reasons for giving up, life throws at us so many things, unfair things, unexplainable things, frustrating things, hurtful things, harmful things. All these things and more can discourage us,and we are tempted to give up, the enemy of our soul whispers in our ear,give up ,no one appreciates you, its not worth it. Ah ,but he is so very wrong, it will be worth it all when we see Christ. Ira f Stanphill wrote a hymn, which I used to sing, its called ,Follow Me, the first verse goes like this,/ I traveled down a lonely road, and no one seemed to care. The burden on my weary back,had bowed me to despair. I oft complained to Jesus how folk were treating me. And then I heard him say so tenderly. My feet were also weary upon the Calvary road, the cross became so heavy , I fell beneath the load. Be faithful, weary pilgrim,the morning I can see. Just lift your cross, and follow close to Me./ [ Dear God help us not to give up, help us to press on ,grant us grace to persevere, in Jesus name .Amen ]

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