verse of the day

Sunday 3 July 2011

Knowing the right way. [John 14 v 6 ]

While on holiday we used our sat-nav ,to bring us back to the place we were staying, but it kept taking us back to the supermarket, we had shopped at earlier in the week. Now dont get me wrong the sat-nav is a brilliant invention,and I would not be with out it, in the end we asked someone the way and he showed us the right way. This leads me unto the thought of knowing the right way in life, which is very imporant, if you are not saved ,then very simple the message for you is Jesus, who is the way ,the truth, and the life [John 14 v6 ]. Without Him who is way you are lost and always will be,without Him you will be ensnared in in that which is not the truth, and without Him you will remain dead in trespasses and sins. So why not this day, ask Jesus to become your Saviour, if you do, you will be able say ,I once was lost but now am found. Here is a prayer you could pray. [ Dear Lord Jesus ,I am lost, please save me, please become for me ,the way ,the truth, and the life. Amen ]

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