verse of the day

Friday 8 July 2011

The freedom of the press. [ Romans 14 v 7 ]

The News of the World newspaper is closing, one of the most popular newspapers in the country, why has this all come about?. In answering this we need to think about something that we as country believe is important,the freedom of the press, newspapers we believe should be allowed to report freely. Yet this raises a problem how can a free press be regulated?,in such a way as to not inhibit their freedom to report freely. What newspapers ,politicians,and indeed everyone of us need to remember is, that freedom brings responsibility . The News of the Word and those in the phone hacking affair, forgot this, and it has caught up with them. As a Christian I have been set free by Christ, and yet it is a freedom of responsibility,we read these words in Galations 5 v13, /It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you dont use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom/ [Message]. [ Dear God thank You for Jesus who died to set us free, help us, to not abuse that freedom, help us not to be ensnared by anything that would destroy our freedom,help us to see that the freedom You have brought us into ,carries with it great responsibility, and accountability, in Jesus name we ask this . Amen ]

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