verse of the day

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Looking staight ahead [ Matthew 14v22-33]

In Pilgrims progress by John Bunyan, Christian the main character, gets into all sorts of bother, when he fails to go straight on, the result , he falls into a swamp called the, slough of despond, and likewise when he and his companion fall into the clutches of Giant despair.So Christian declares,/Out of the way we went, and then we found, what twas to tread on forbidden ground/,for the Christian there is much forbidden ground, I read that a French psychologist said that it was good to have extra marital affairs it helped marriage. It is easy to embace sin,dressed up in, fallen human reasoning, and when we do , we will suffer, and so will others. So today let us not enter forbidden ground, but let us look straight ahead, and fix our eyes on what lies before us, to mark out a straight path for our feet,to stay on the safe path. Let us not get sidetracked, but keep our feet from following evil [ Proverbs 4v25-27] [ Dear Lord help us not to be sidetracked today into those things that could harm us and others ,help us at all times to keep our eyes on You. Amen ]

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