verse of the day

Monday 30 November 2009

Honesty and Juctice.[Hebrews 13v 18/Psalm 103 ]

I read how Tescos the supermarket have paid out a million pounds by mistake, they have recovered some of the money , and are seeking to recover the rest. There will be many who will have no sympathy with Tescos ,and will be even glad, because they see so much that concerns them about supermarket practices. There are people who avoid shopping at supermarkets believing that they should shop locally, I can appreciate some of their concerns, although personally I shop at supermarkets, like the vast majority of people.There appears to be two things in all this, first honesty, the people to whom Tescos paid the money ,should pay the money back. Honesty is important be it with a million pound or one pound. Secondly ,Tescos do need to consider their practices , are they acting in ways that are just?, do they pay thier suppliers enough?, justice is important, a society that fails to be just is failing.[ Dear God help us to be honest in all things, and help us to be just in all our dealing with others in Jesus name. Amen ]

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