verse of the day

Thursday 19 November 2009

Choose Wisely. [James 1 v12-18]

The wonderful thing about knowing Christ is freedom,before we become Christians we were not free, [ John 8v34]the hymn writer declares ,my chains fell off, I rose and followed Thee. The question is when we become Christians , what do we do with our freedom?,can I go to certain places, can I do certain things?. Of course there are obvious things we shouldnt do, steal ,commit adultery, lie,these and other things we should not do.In 1Corinthians6v12, we read,/not everything is good for you. And even though, I am allowed to do everything, I must not become a slave to anything/.There will be things that appear right, but they may not be right for us, they could become a snare to us, and harm us spiritually.Remember Christ wants us to remain free, not to become involved in things that makes us slaves again. [ Dear Lord we thank You for setting us free, help is to stay free,help us not to be lured into anything that could harm us spiritually, help us to make the right choices. Amen ]

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