verse of the day

Thursday 26 November 2009

Healing ministers.[ Galations6 v1-3 ]

I am not moaning I am hurting, there is a difference ,and often we do not see the difference, but it is there, when a person attempts suicide it is usually a cry for help.Today let us listen to what people are really saying, for behind the outward show there is often pain, and unresolved hurts, behind the difficut behaviour there is a heart craving for love. People are loaded with many things, overwork,being pulled in two directions, and often, somethings got to give, often it is that person, they go under.So today walk prayerfully as you hear people moaning, remember they may be hurting, you may be able to help, in a practical way, or just by offering up a prayer to the one who trully understands , and can bring healing.[ Dear God in this world affected by sin, a world were many are hurting, and in pain, help us ,use us, to be Your healing ministers, in Jesus name Amen]

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