verse of the day

Wednesday 18 November 2009

They are watching [ Acts 1 v8]

In the book of Ezekiel chapter 12v6, God says to the prophet,/ I have made you a sign for the people/, it has been said that no one lives unto themselves, no man is an Island. Today people are watching ,they will be making judgments on what they see, if we are Christians, we must take this serious. We are to be signs to people about spiritual realities, about Christ,for they are watching, observing what we do , and what we say. Our children are watching, our neighbours are watching, our work colleagues are watching, the person on the supermarket till is watching, the question is what will they observe?. God is saying to all of us who know the Lord as Saviour, I have made you a sign.[ Dear Lord grant us the grace to be a sign for good,a sign that points all whom we come into contact with, to You. Amen ]

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