verse of the day

Wednesday 26 August 2009

The unexpected [James 4v 13-17 ]

I suddenly found myself in hospital Monday evening and most of Tuesday, I had a problem with my gall-bladder, I am now home ,feeling a bit sore, hopefully on the road to recovery,it was my first time to be ommitted to hospital. In Proverbs 27v1 , we read,/ Dont brag about tomorrow since you dont know what the day will bring/,it is James in his epistle who expands on this, 4v13-17. James tells us, we should recognize the uncertainty of life,and we should humbly rely on God, we should say if the Lord wills , we will live and do this or that. If one is not saved then please take into account that life is uncertain, and trust the Saviour, remember there will be no second chances in eternity. If we know the Saviour let us live as if today was our last day, and if we were ushered into eternity, we will not be caught out, in some aspect of our Christian life.[ Dear God we confess that we fail to recognize the uncertainty of life, and fail to walk with a humble attitude towards You, forgive us and help us to bring You into all of our lives, in Jesus name. Amen ]

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