verse of the day

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Promising God. [ Ecclesiastes 5v4-5 ]

A woman was walking along the sea shore,with her little boy when a hugh wave went over them,and the little boy was carried out to sea, the lady prayed, that if God would give her back her child she would be ever grateful and thankful, suddenly another hugh wave came and deposited her son at her feet, as she looked at her child she spoke to God, he had a hat. In Psalm 66v13-14, we read,/ I will perform my vows to you, that which my lips uttered, and my mouth promised when I was in trouble/. Many people make vows when they are in difficulty, but when the trouble is past, they fail to keep them. A farmer went to his wife to tell her that their cow had given birth to two calves, one white the other brown, he was so happy he said to his wife,I am going to dedicate one of these calves to the Lord, his wife asked, which one?he replied there was no need to bother about that now.A few months later he came to his wife and said ,the Lords calf had died, his wife reminded him that he hadnt chosen which calf was the Lords,he replied that it was the white one, and that was the one that died.[ Father often we make promises to you in our difficulties, and even in our times of prosperity, and we fail to keep them, forgive us ,and help us to be more faithful in the future in Jesus name .Amen]

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