verse of the day

Saturday 8 August 2009

Summer and winter.[ 1 Peter 1v6-7]

In Psalm 74v17 we read ,/You made both summer and winter/,I suppose these words remind me once again of that great truth, the sovereignty of God.The sovereignty of God is something we need to be reminded of continually,here we have a statement reminding us that a sovereign God made the summer and winter.Most of us do not like the winter ,thats why so many go to live in Spain, but for the rest of us we have to put up with the dark nights,why cant we have sunshine all the year around?, why indeed. The fact of the matter is life is not all sunshine, it has its winter seasons,which God has ordained,the winter of sickness, bereavement,broken relationships, depression ,financial difficulties.Much and all , as we would like sunshine all the times, God knows best, as someone said all sunshine makes a desert. Willim Barclay wrote this,/ The danger of prosperity is that it encourages a false independance. It makes us think that we are well able to handle life alone/. As I look back on life , I learned so much in my winter seasons, which I would not have learnt in the summer seasons,I learnt to trust God for grace,learnt to trust His promises, and experenced a closer relationship with Him. [Sovereign God ,it is easy to thank You for the summer seasons of our lives,but today we bow our hearts before You, and praise You for the winter seasons, in Jesus name . Amen ]

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