verse of the day

Saturday 1 August 2009

A person of strength[ Psalm 46 ]

I was given a poem about a woman of strength, I dont know who wrote it, I want to quote it, but I want to broaden it out to include , men and women./ A strong person works out everyday to keep their bodies in shape. But a person of strength kneels in prayer to keep their souls in shape. A strong person isn,t afraid of anything. But a person of strength shows their courage in the midst of fear. A strong person won,t let anyone get the better of them. But a person of strength gives the best of themselves to everyone. A strong person walks sure-footedly. But a person of strength knows God will catch them when they fall. A strong person wears a look of confidence on their face. But a person of strength wears grace. A strong person has faith that they will be strong for the journey. But a person of strength has faith that in the journey they will become strong./[ Dear God help us to not live in our own strength, but daily, moment by moment to rely on You in Jesus name. Amen ]

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