verse of the day

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Frightened? [ Psalm 23 ]

Why are you frightened? Jesus asked His disciples[Luke 24v38],and here is the amazing thing , they were frightened of Him, they had no need to be frightened, but they were. Jesus surprised them, they had witnessed his death on the cross,and they thought that was the end of the story, but it wasnt. They could not take it in ,that death wasnt the end,so here was Jesus proving them wrong, by His very presence. I wonder is Jesus saying to us, why are you frightened?, consider how Jesus reassured them, He spoke to them, how important in the times when we are frightened, to hear Jesus, just as His words stilled the angry waves,[Mark 4v35-41], so let His words calm our fears. There are so many things that can cause us to feel frightened, but the answer to all of them is Jesus, the Psalmist wrote, I will fear no evil for Thou are with me,[ Psam23v4], it is His presence that keeps us safe,it is His presence that will enable us to overcome all our fears.[ Dear Saviour You know how we can be so easily frightened, today calm our fears,by a sense of Your presence, grant us grace to hear Your still small voice,in the midst of our storm. Amen ]

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