verse of the day

Sunday 9 August 2009

Can God. [ Psalm78]

Imagine being removed from your job, you have obeyed Gods voice and stepped out in faith,bringing with you your wife and three children. You have no savings, and no money and no food in the house, and you have decided to not let anybody know about your situation, instead you are going to simply trust the Lord to meet your needs, trusting in His promises. In Psalm 78 the Israelites were in the wilderness, they had been delivered from slavery, they followed the Lord , but they were finding it hard, and they asked the question, / Can God/. Mybe that is the words on your lips ,can God,or mybe you are thinking it, can God help me,you look at your situation, and you despair, let me encourage you today to believe God , who can do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think,[Ephesians3v20], and let me just close by saying the Lord met the needs of that man , his wife, and three children.[ Father in heaven help us to trust You ,to help us in every situation, no matter how difficult it is, in Jesus name .Amen]

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