verse of the day

Friday 23 January 2009

A new heart. [ Jeremiah 31 v 31 - 34 ]

God wants us to have healthy thoughts and motives, not just healthy bodies,so reads my study Bible, we live in a world that is obsessed with the outward appearance. The outward appearance includes so much that is of very little importance, designer clothes cater to this, this atitude is called the pride of life , pride in our achievements and possessions,these are not from the Father, but are from this world. [ 1 John 2 v 16 ]. The religous people of our Lords day led a great stress on the outward observance of certain traditions, that had nothing to do with what God desired. Jesus continually challenged the trivia in life , the religious people didnt like it ,for it challenged their control and power, people dont like you doing this, in fact they hated Him for doing it. He faced them with what was most important the inward, the heart,He pointed out that this is were the trouble lay, the heart[ Matthew 15 v 19 ] . In Jeremiah 17 v 9 we read, /The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked/, this is what needs dealt with, and only Christ can do that, we need to surrender our hearts to Him. [ Father help us to see that our greatest need is for a new heart, which comes when we accept Jesus as our Saviour, Amen ]

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