verse of the day

Thursday 15 January 2009

Fear [Romans 6 v23 ]

Many times in the Bible we are encouraged not to fear,in relation to provision, time after time we are assured that God will provide [ Philippians 4 v 19/ Psalm 23 v 1 ]. Also we are assured in the Bible that God will protect us, we see this in the life of David , and we are given many promises that God will protect, and preserve us. [Psalm 121. Isaiah 41 v 10 ]. So while we are not meant to live with fear in relation to what we need, be it protection, or provision , there is an aspect of fear that is important, and healthy. Continually we are told to fear the Lord, to live our lives in a reverent manner, that is to have an attitude of deep respect,awe, and love, for Him.It is John Flavel in his wonderful little book called, The mystery of providence, who writes, / Fear nothing but sin/, and this is so important,for sin is a cancer that destroys all that is lovely and good, and will cause God to deal with us, how important it is to live a holy and godly life [ 2 Peter 3 v 11 ], yes fear sin.[Almighty God have mercy upon us, and help us to live with a healthy fear of You, and of sin, we ask this in Jesus name , Amen ]

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