verse of the day

Tuesday 21 November 2023

The secret sin. ( Exodus 20 v 17 )

We do not hear much as  regards the ten commandments in these days,possible because it is in the Old Testament,so let me stress that all scripture is to be honoured as being God's word (2 Timothy 3 v16 ) There are things in the OT that do not apply to us now, but they were still the word of God to be obeyed ,then.As regards the 10 commandments they are not to be ignored, of course our Saviour pointed out not just as to the basic commandment but to the spirit of the law,one may not have committed actual murder or adultery, but in ones thoughts you have lusted after someone,and hated someone ,then you are guilty of breaking those commandments (Matthew 5 v 21 -30) There is one of the commandments that many don't take serious, and it is the last one  coveting, it is a secret sin, but it is a sin for all that.Today many people are committing that sin. coveting what others have,their wives,husbands,money and many other things, consider all the evil that comes from coveting those things mentioned. It is a secret sin but it is not a secret with God,because God looks on the heart,He sees it for what  it is,we may not think it is sinful,but it is,and if you are involved in that sin which everyone without a doubt has committed,remember we cannot  hide our hidden sins  from an all seeing holy God .

                                                     ' If we confess our sins,He is faithful

                                                       and just to forgive us our sins,and to

                                                      cleanse us from all unrighteousness.'

                                                                      1 John 1 v 9.

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