verse of the day

Sunday 19 November 2023

The greatest miracle. ( Isaiah 53 )

 I was watching a program as regards people who had never been able to hear,and how they received medical treatment and suddenly they could hear,for the very first time in their lives. Little babies stopped crying,older people started to cry,and I was crying to,It was an awe inspiring moment , for all those involved, wonderful beyond words. Then I thought of the miracles Jesus performed,consider the context, there were no cures for deafness,blindness,and so on,you could  spend all your money and you would never have got healed. Consider how those people must have felt when Jesus healed them,like the people who witnessed these healings they were filled with fear, awe, and amazement (  Matthew 9 v 8 )All except  the religious leaders, who took issue with Jesus for healing on their Sabbath, that clouded their vision,and they were filled with hated.And so they watched Him, hounded Him ..Instead of being filled with amazement they turned on Jesus like a wild beast (Psalm 22 v 16- 17),and finally got their way  and crucified Him.Yet strange as it may sound, God's plan and purpose was fulfilled,for out of that suffering and horrendous death the greatest miracle ever  performed took place,the work of salvation,  

                                                'God so loved the world that He gave

                                                 His only begotten Son that whosoever

                                                 believeth in Him should not perish,

                                                 but have everlasting life'

                                                                  John 3 v16.

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