verse of the day

Thursday 30 November 2023

Press on. (Philippians 2 v 27 - 30 )

 John Bunyan who wrote ,'Pilgrims Progress',about a man called Christian who got saved, and went on a journey to the Celestial City,and on that journey he met many obstacles.Believe not those deceiver's who tell you that the road to glory is paved with gold,and healing is guaranteed,that is what that liar the devil promises CP  Matthew 4 v 8. To be a Christian is very challenging,many people are suffering and dying for their faith.We may not be,but the challenge is still great,we are bombarded by many things, the devil is still active,doing all he can to discourage,deceive,and yes even tempt us to give up. Then the worlds influence is always there ,promising so much,and giving so little,the worlds values run contrary to God's values.Then we have the biggest enemy ,you will see him when you look in the mirror,and unless we die daily to Christ,denying ourselves,refusing to give in to our  baser nature,we will find ourselves in dire straits.Jesus said,' follow me',not the crowd,not friend or foe,not the self centered way,not leaning upon are own understanding,but in all our ways,trusting Him to direct our path. Our dear Saviour has promised to help us and keep  us, and bring us through to that Celestial city,where we will never grow old,so press on,persevere on,let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus,the one who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross,scorning it's shame.


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