verse of the day

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Hope triumphant. ( Romans 4 v18 -25 )

Proverbs 13 v 12, reads,'Hope deferred makes the heart sick,But when the heart desire comes,it is a tree of life'. When one reads those words we can think of many examples of this happening,we can think of Abraham  and Sarah and their promised child, It was a promise given by God,we read  in Genesis 15 how Abraham was getting anxious about not having an heir, so God told him he would have a son,He took him outside and told  him to look up  at the stars and count then if he could.That's how many descendants he would have'. and Abraham believed God,and He counted him righteous because of His faith'.But it didn't happen right away,in fact they had to wait and wait years.It was a severe trial, Sarah and Abraham we're getting old ,to old  to have children , but God had promised,and Abraham kept hoping ,believing what God had said, and so it came to pass ,CP Romans 4 v 18-21.What joy must have filled his heart,but the promise went further than just  Isaac,it would have its fulfillment in Christ,and it goes beyond physical descendants ,but spiritual descendants,for everyone who puts their faith in Christ  becomes a Child of Abraham Galatians 4 v 29,and of course a child of God.And one day hopefully soon we who are children of Abraham,people from every tribe and every nation , will declare before the throne in heaven, worthy is the Lamb who was slain,and we will all bow down before our great triune God, Father, Son,and Holy Spirit ,and worship Him.

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