verse of the day

Tuesday 12 September 2023

Hell. ( Mark 9 v 43 - 48 )

It appears to me that there are those who want to soften what they see,or read in the Bible's teaching on judgement ,or Christ death on the cross.The fact we must stay faithful to God's word,we have to tell it as it is,one preacher said that Christ only mentioned hell a few times,but in actual fact He mentioned it quite a number times, at least ten times,not only mention hell but He vividly described it.Go through the gospels and look for yourself ,see how many times he did mention it. R C Sproul was a very popular and gifted preacher, who is now with the Lord,was asked which doctrine did he struggle with most,he replied ,hell'. I  concur to that,most preachers would agree with that, one of my sons who is a Christian had a crises of faith,because he struggled with the doctrine of hell.My last  pastor would not have believed in hell,he never completely denied it, but it was obvious that he didn't,for I discerned that, by the fact that he never mentioned it.Recently  I witnessed to a person  ,he said he didn't believe in God,but I reminded him that there is a heaven and there is a hell and told him I would be praying for him,as he was leaving he said,he would remember what I said, I don't regret telling him about hell,because I don't want anyone to go there,and I am sure you don't. Just to let you know I did mention Christ to that man.




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