verse of the day

Thursday 20 April 2023

Motives( 1 Corinthians 10 v 31 )

 It is all to possible  to do good things ,with bad motives,our Saviour speaks of those who  prayed in the synagogue, and some people who prayed out in the streets where everyone could see them.I remember years ago going to a large church gathering,in which they publicly called up people from missions to give them money,I felt the way they did it was wrong,I know a man who boasted how much he prayed and read his bible as compared to a man he was seeking to humiliate. The things these people  did were good in themselves,but done out of a bad motive. A  Donald Grey Barnhouse  told about little Willie, who had crawled out on the ice and rescued a playmate who had fallen through. Praise and admiration were heaped upon him. Then a lady asked,'Tell us my boy, how you were brave enough to risk your life to save your friend'. In between  breaths Willie shot back,' I had to - he had my skates on'. It is said God looks on the heart,looks beyond the deed and looks at our motives.

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