verse of the day

Sunday 12 March 2023

He was a nice man. ( Romans 3 v 23 )

    There he was as we sat watching the football, I managed to have a conversation with him,he told me a lot about himself,his beginnings in the county of Cornwall.Most of our conversation was about his job history which was very interesting,he was a trained engineer,he was 72 and was still working part time . I was praying that I might have an opportunity to witness to him, I know under John and Charles Wesley many Methodist churches came into being in Cornwall so I mentioned this to him and asked him did he ever go to church?.He said he was never a church goer,and his parents never forced it on him. I asked  him did he ever think about God? he said no,it never entered into his mind,He  was a nice person,he had a nice life style, foreign holidays,a nice wife,what could I say?,hopefully guided by God's Spirit,I said,'If you know Christ you go to heaven,if you don't know Christ, you go to hell', I left it at that,and we continued to watch the football. As I said he was a nice person, but nice people are sinners, he had no thought about God, and if he died in that condition he will certainly go to hell. Let us always bear in mind,that everyone is a sinner,and everyone needs our Saviour, yes the really wicked people,the really awful people,and the so called nice people.

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