verse of the day

Saturday 8 January 2022

The missing piece in this jigsaw.. (Psalm 5 v 15 )

 Is  God  the missing piece of the jigsaw?,daily we listen to the politicians ,scientists,and news reports as regards the pandemic,but we don't hear God mentioned. That makes me very sad, surly He should be mentioned,dare I say the following , the sovereign God,is over all things even this pandemic, and I believe He has sent it upon this world,  If He has sent it ,the question is why?, it is a very good question, why?, could it be He is topping us on the shoulder,could be He wants to remind us of His presence,and of our need of Him.Is it not time that we listened to Him.Someone said ,I  rejoiced in my pleasures,but I prayed in my difficulties. I believe many people are praying.We who are Christians can make a difference in these dark days,how? ,in Numbers 16 ,God judged Israel by sending a  plague, but Moses told Aaron to offer up incense and coal from of the altar,he then ran into the midst of the people. We read that he stood between the living and the dead ,and the plague stopped.. Now we haven't incense, or coals from an altar,but we have the ear of God,we can pray beseeching our great and mighty God to stop this plague. the word beseech means to plead,to beg,to entreat, my mind turns to Elijah ,a person just  like what we are,who prayed earnestly and God answered, and a miracle happened .James 5 v 17 - 18.

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