verse of the day

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Lost causes. ( Mark 5 v 1 - 20 )

I heard this recently,''I don't believe in lost causes, I believe in lost souls'', I am sure we all know of someone whom you have looked at, and you have thought that there was no hope for them.You may have  helped them many times,but nothing has changed,you may have stopped praying for them,or  you  may  be still praying for them, but not with much hope,humanly speaking they are a lost cause, they will never change. There are plenty examples of lost causes in the Bible,I want to point you to two people,one in the OT ,and the other in the NT, The first was King Manasseh one of the most wicked kings in Israels history ,he had a godly father King Hezekiah,but of course godliness is not transferable .CP Kings 21/ 2 Chronicles 33.Thankully God does not give up on lost causes ,and He dealt with him severely,,with the result  he sought the Lord,humbling himself,and God forgive him,he was lost but now he was found.The next person was a man no one could tame,we read about him in Mark 5 ,possessed by demons,people tried to help him, but to no avail.He was to all intent a lost cause,but Jesus came and set this lost cause free,and it showed,for we read of him being dressed and in his right mind'. He was lost but was now found by Jesus the one who came to seek and to save that which was lost.

                                              No one is too far gone that Jesus cannot save them.

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