verse of the day

Sunday 14 March 2021

Who is this man? ( John 1 v 1 )

 Let us look once more, at the disciples and Jesus, caught up in a storm on a lake. ( Mk 4 v35 - 41 ) How did he react when the disciples woke  him from his sleep ?, he did not say anything to them at that moment in time, but he did speak to the storm , he said ,''Peace be still!''. and what happened?, suddenly there was a great calm, and then he spoke to his disciples, one translation puts it like this,'' Have you still no faith''?.in other words in spite of all they had witnessed, faith deserted them, and fear had taken over. We are told that , 'the just shall live by faith'.( Galatians 3 v 11 ) it is ongoing, we are to face everyday by faith with all its problems and difficulties , if we don't, then we will be like the disciples ,continually in panic  mode, running around like a headless chicken. The reaction to what they had witnessed as to what  Jesus did, terrified them ,and they asked each other, 'Who is this ? even the wind and the waves obey him?. No man can control the wind and the waves, only God can do that, and  that is why Christ could do it.

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