verse of the day

Monday 30 November 2020

Mince pies ( Luke 8 v 26 - 35 )

In the U K ,mince pies are very popular,they go back a long time,in Tudor times they were made of 13 ingredients,representing Jesus and the 12 apostles,later mutton was added to represent the shepherds. Modern mince pies have no meat in them,instead they are filled with,dried fruit and spices. A woman who tested the different supermarkets mince pies, she said this about her favourite ,'' I tested  Aldi's   mince pies,they are the best, and they changed my life'' I think she is, to say the least,exaggerating,they may change her figure,but I can assure you they will not change her life or anybodies life. I know someone who can change ones life,his name is Jesus,and when you trust him ,you will not put on weight,you will lose weight.and the weight I am speaking of ,is the burden of your sins,and the guilt that goes along with them, millions have trusted Jesus as their Saviour,and the result was, their lives were changed,they were made anew. In  2 Corinthians 5 v 17,we read, 'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation,old things have passed away;  behold , all things have become new'.

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