verse of the day

Sunday 1 November 2020

Filthy Rags. ( 1 Corinthians 1 v 26 - 31 )

 In the 18 century there was in America what is known as the great awakening,one of the preachers God used was  George Whitefield. It is said that God prepared the people,for what he was going to do, I wonder is that what He is doing now, with this pandemic?, I hope so,let us pray so.In Whitefield's journal we read the following,there was farmer called Nathan Cole who was also  a carpenter in America, who was anxious about his soul . He heard that George Whitefield was preaching,but it was 20 miles away,a good distance in those days to travel,but he was desperate So he went to his wife and told her ,we are going to hear George Whitefield,he told her to get their horse,which she did,he told her to get on it,and to start off to were Whitefield was ,he would   hold unto the horses tail,and run behind,she was to keep going. And so they set of,he rode a bit on the horse ,but ran most of the way. When he got there a vast crowd had gathered,as he looked on Whitefield ,he thought he looked very young and angelic,when he preached it was with the authority of the great God. The word preached,convicted him, realising his own righteousness could not save him, he asked Christ to save him.In Isaiah 64 v 6, we read,'all our righteousness are as filthy rags',it means that no matter what good you do,it will never save you,they are classed as filthy rags.The only righteousness that can make us and make us acceptable to God,is the righteousness of Christ,when we trust Christ we are as it were are clothed in His righteousness.

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