verse of the day

Thursday 12 November 2020

Are you listening ( 4 ) ( Luke 12 v 13 - 21 )

 We continue considering the words of Proverbs 8 v 34 - 36,which promises a blessing on those who listen to God's wisdom,not just listening but with a desire to find true wisdom.A few years ago, my wife and I went to see ,'Les Miserables',during the performance a lady next to me was making funny noises,it was disturbing people around her,but so intent was I in what was being performed on stage ,I did not take much notice of  what that lady was doing. Such should be our intent in gaining godly wisdom.Godly wisdom leads to life,ungodly wisdom lead to death.The worlds wisdom is to just focus on the world and its ways, get enough money and retire to sunny places.We read of such a man in Luke 12 v 13 - 21, he had everything,well he thought he had,you see, he was rich and prosperous,and he said to himself,''You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat , drink, and be merry''.Many can identify with that man,that's were so many people want to get to.Yes he had a good nest egg set aside , the sweet life beckoned,but then the voice of God speaks,'You fool,this very night your soul shall be required of you'. Jesus said ,'Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions'.Dear friend don't be a fool, seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near,turn to Christ before it is to late.

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