verse of the day

Sunday 26 July 2020

Unless ( Luke 18 v 13 )

Imagine  you are driving along ,you want to get home,you are looking forward to it,and as you turn the  bend the road comes to an abrupt end ,,the road has collapsed,and between you and the other side there is a great gap.You think, well I will have to turn round,and try another route,but suddenly you a rumbling noise,and you walk to see what it was and the road behind you has collapsed as well.,and you think how am I going to get home?. We realise that we cannot bridge that gap that separates us from home,you remember someone had you warned that this could happened ,but you didn't take him serious,you thought you knew best.We are all on a journey, we may not give much consideration as to what awaits us at the end of the journey,we may think that heaven will be our eternal home.The Bible teaches that we are all sinners,that means we cannot go to heaven,in our sinful state , the doors will be barred to us.In Isaiah 59 v 2 we read what sin does,'But your iniquities have separated you from your God'.that's it, sin  separates us from God. So it is, that unless sin is forgiven by trusting Jesus,heaven will never be our home,but hell will be.

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