verse of the day

Friday 10 July 2020

Old Thomas. ( 1 Corinthians 3 v 5 - 9 )

A man called H.L.Gee tells  the story ,of the church in which he worshipped, and in that church was a lonely old man called Thomas.He had outlived all his friends,and hardly anybody knew him .Well Thomas died, and H.L Gee had a feeling that no one would attend his funeral,so he did,This was during war time,and as he reached the cemetery he noticed a soldier waiting he was an officer.He came for the ceremony,and after it ended,he stepped forward to the grave and gave a wonderful salute.It was a wet and windy day,and as he walked away H.L.Gee joined him,the wind caught the soldiers raincoat revealing his rank,he was nothing less than a brigadier.He spoke to H.L.Gee and explained why he was there.He went on to say ,that Thomas had been his Sunday school teacher,and that he had been a wild lad and a sore trial to Thomas,he never knew what he did for me; but I owe everything I am or will be to him,that is why I came to salute him.The Bible tells us  one sows another reaps,if I was sum to up  my ministry ,it has been one of sowing,I hope like Thomas God may have used me to have influenced someone for good. Let us all remember it is God alone who gives the increase.

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