verse of the day

Monday 13 July 2020

The power of gravity. ( Romans 1 v 16 )

Why do we not all float of into space? the answer is gravity, gravity is defined this way,'The force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth, or towards any other body having mass'. Near a town in Northern Ireland called Omagh,in the county of  Tyrone, there is a hill that is called a magnetic hill,what is unusual about this is,if you park your car at the bottom of the hill  ,with the engine turned of ,and the hand brake of, your car would be pulled up the hill,it is caused by the power of gravity. In Colossians 1, we are  told that Christ is the image of the invisible God,for in him all things were created, and in him all things hold together., and that all the fullness of God dwells in Him ,this is Jesus we are talking about.One who is truly God and truly man,in his earthly existence we see his divinity,when he spoke,when he performed miracles, and his unique knowledge,of people he had never met.We see his humanity in his physical limitations,he was weary,sad,and even as regards to his  death,we are told of that death that he was crucified in weakness,yet he lives by God's power ( 2 Cor 13 v 4 ) We marvel at the power of  gravity, ,but in Jesus we see the power behind it all ,Jesus ,by Him all things were created and by him all things  were created and are sustained and held together(Colossians 1 v 16 ff). but the power  of Jesus goes beyond creation,to the power of salvation. I listened to a man speaking yesterday his name was Ron,he told of a life that was out of control,a life controlled by drugs,he was continually being put into prison, many times he nearly died through overdosing with drugs..There seemed no way out of this nightmare of a life,until he met Jesus,and accepted him as his Saviour.When that happened two things took place ,one, forgiveness, two,he was empowered to overcome the power of sin.

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