verse of the day

Sunday 12 July 2020

Are you anxious ? ( Acts 16 v 31 )

In  Proverbs  12 v 25, we read, 'An anxious heart weighs a man down'.I was told recently of a man who was very anxious, because of the coronavirus ,as many people are,the thing about this man,he had  trusted   Jesus many years ago,his wife also is  a Christian. Unfortunately they both had fallen into a backslidden state .His family have been praying for him,and I have for many years,that he might get right with God again. The good news he has,in his anxiety he turned back to Jesus,and now he is shining for Jesus. We can be anxious for many reasons,are you anxious like that young man,before the coronavirus,you never give a thought about death ,after all so many people live to a hundred,why worry about such things,but now the reality is , death is on the rampage.If you are ignoring this reality and not taking precautions ,you are being foolish,and further still,you are foolish big time,if you have ignored the reality,that if you were to  die ,were would spend eternity?let me repeat this,were would you spend  eternity?.The good news you may survive this coronavirus, but you will not escape death, I can assure  you,it will eventually come knocking on your door,I urge you with all my heart to trust Jesus as your Saviour, believe on the Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

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