verse of the day

Thursday 30 July 2020

God's Word. ( Psalm 119 v 105 )

Looking back at my time in Bible  college, certain lecturers stood out,one was Professor Leahy ,my lasting memory of him was a godly man of soundness.He held no fanciful speculative interpretations of the Gods word,no  from him we received sound exegesis of the word of God. This is what we need in these days,sound teaching of the word of God,not those who pick and choose what they want to believe and teach, and reject those truths which they find hard to accept ,and their inconsistent concepts of God.It was R.C .Sproul who wrote a little booklet called,'Can I trust the Bible? ,if  the Bible is not trustworthy,we are in great difficulties.We must be prepared to take our stand on the trustworthiness ',of the Scripture ,'we must not only believe that the Scriptures  bears witness to the truth,but it is the truth '(R.C.Sproul )  I have  read and studied the Bible ,for over 50 years,and I know it can be trusted, It was a man called Frank Morison who as a young man, doubted the reliability of scriptures,especially the account of the resurrection,in the end he came to believe and trust in Jesus as his Saviour and his resurrection,he went on to write a book called,'Who moved the stone',The Bible is based on history,Calvary is real,yes it really happened,Christ died on a cross,and on the third day He rose from the dead ,in 2 Corinthians 15 we are told of hundreds of people who saw the risen Christ .In 2 Timothy 3 v 16  we read,'That all Scripture is God -breathed ',we do well to trust in Gods word,if we don't we will not do well.

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