verse of the day

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Look for the mercies[ Lamentations 3 v22 -26 ]

It has become colder here, and the question on my mind is this, will it snow?I am not to happy when it snows, and yet I live in a home that has central heating,plus I have warm clothings, so even if it snows I should be warm. I believe we should always look for the mercies of God, painful things can happen to us,and we can let them destroy us,so thats why it is important to look for the mercies.In every situation no matter how difficult, will be mixed with mercies, this is not just about being optimistic, no, it is about looking to God, who is in control.I read this years ago about a Christian father, whose son broke a leg , God reminded him that all things work together for good ,for His children.Well there was a war on and because the young man had broken his leg he could not go to war. Think much on the providence of God,and His mercies in every situation, trust Him who loves you. Job may have lost so much ,but He never lost his God, and God used his experience to bless countless millions of His people. Today look for the mercies.
A prayer....../ Dear God help us in every difficult experience to look for Your mercies in Jesus name Amen /

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