verse of the day

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Keep on praying. [ Luke 18 v 1 ]

Genesis 18/ So judgement was going to fall on those cities ,unlike Jonah who appeared to want Nineveh to be destroyed, Abraham starts to plead with God. His request involved two things I believe ,the general population, and his nephew, he was pleading for mercy on them. We learn a very important lesson ,we need to pray for the lost, often that is all we can do,consider how Abraham persisted,recently I told you how my oldest boy came back to the Lord,I prayed for him everyday of his life, he is 43yrs of age. Of course as a child we ministered into his life, but we prayed ,and prayed, and prayed, and God answered.There are so many ,many people I have prayed for, literally for years,we may see results, but only eternity will reveal the answers to our prayers, and I believe there will be answers.
A prayer......./Dear Heavenly Father help us like Abraham that we may pray for the lost continually in Jesus name Amen.

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