verse of the day

Friday 20 January 2012

Carried on eagles wings. [Exodus 19 v 4 ]

The account of the Exodus is a wonderul story that has so many lessons to teach us, from start to finish it was a work of God. From the start Moses was reluctant ,and continually the Israelites dragged thier feet,their believing [Exodus 14v31] was soon followed by unbelief [16v3 ], they continued to be inconsistant. The important thing was Gods faithfulness,He literally carried them,put up with them, but above all else ,He kept loving them. To some extent we are like Israel ,often inconsistant, often reluctant to follow were our Saviour leads,now I am not writing this to discourage but to impress upon all our hearts that salvation is of the Lord. Salvation has three tenses to it, past,present and future, salvation from start to finished is a work of God. It is a sovereign work, we have come this far by the grace of God. Our God who brought Israel through ,will bring us through ,He will complete what He stared, and He wii continue to love us.
A prayer ....../ Dear God we praise You for Your faithfulness and love in Jesus name Amen ./

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