verse of the day

Wednesday 4 January 2012

The finished article. [ 1 Corinthians 15 v 50 -58 ]

In Billy Grahams latest book , /Nearing home, life, faith and finishing,/he writes about his late wife Ruth, that while out driving ,they came to a sign, which read,/ End of construction. Thank you for your patience/. Ruth chuckled at those words, and then went on to say,/I want those words engraved on my stone ./As Billy rightly points we are all under construction by God, in 2 Corinthians 3 v18. we read, / and the Lord who is the Spirit, makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into his Glorious image/.Now this is only applies to the Christian, in are natural self many things bear in upon us and bring a degree of change into our lives, parents , circumstances,many things play their part in changeing us.But Paul is referring to the change brought about by the Holy Spirit in the Christians life ,till as M Henry puts it,/till grace here be consummated in glory for ever./ The bible refers to us as earthen vessels[ 2 Corinthians 4 v7 ], and yet the Holy Spirit is going to transform us to beings of great beauty ,in the book of Malachi 3 v17 the saints are referred to as Jewels. Jewels and there will not be one flaw in any of us, for He will perfect that which concerneth us [Psalm 138 v8 / Philippians 1 v 6 ].Yes one day we imperfect beings will be perfect ,and complete, to God be the glory.

A prayer.......Dear heavenly Father we praise You that You are changing us,that You will not give up on us, but will continue on till the job is finished, till that day when we will stand in your presence the finished article ,Grant it, in the name of Jesus Amen .

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