verse of the day

Sunday 22 May 2011

Pressure. [ 1 Kings 19 v 1-12]

Years ago we purchased a pressure cooker, it had a little valve that released the steam, without that valve ,it more than likely would have blown up. It appears to me that for many ,myself included at times, we are under pressure, we may not always handle the pressure ,the release valve for many ,is to act in a way ,that may put us under greater preasure. I was in a car yesterday and the person driving it, appeared to loose control, he started to drive like a maniac, I spoke to him quitely and told him to stop driving in such a manner, which thankfully he did, and I said to him, you are under a lot of pressure, mybe I should have said more, but I didnt. Like that young man one does not always handle pressure, even though we may be Christians.and we can let things get out of control. If we are Christians then we need to be led,not driven ,we need to hear that still small voice, of our Lord, telling us to be still and know that He is in control.Let us finish with the words of a hymn by J G. Whittier,let us pray these words. [ Dear Lord and Father... Drop Thy still dews of quietness, till all our strivings cease, take from our souls the strain and stress, and let our ordered life confess the beauty of Thy peace. Breathe through the heats of our desire,Thy coolness and Thy balm, let sense be dumb, let flesh retire, speak through the earthquake,wind and fire,O still small voice of calm. Amen ]

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