verse of the day

Friday 6 May 2011

Forgetfulness [ 1 Corinthians 10 v12 ]

In Luke 22v61 we read ,/ And Peter remembered the word of the Lord/, our Saviour had warned him, that he would fail, Peter had dismissed the idea [Matthew 26 v 33-35 ]. It is Shakespeare who said man know thyself,very few of us know ourselves, we are told that none of us know the sinful depths of our hearts [Jeremiah 17v9 ]. Really godly people have acted in most ungodly ways at time, King David is a prime example [2Samuel 11, and his son Solomon 1Kings 11]. Peter was a man of God but what him made a man of God was God, Peter like all of us was also a sinner saved by grace. We learn from these things that we will only be godly people as we rely on the Lord, and we remember and practice what He says unto us. Peter failed because Peter forgot what the Lord had told Him, what the Lord had told him should have put him on his guard but it didnt, and so he fell. Let us take the following words to heart,/ Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. [1 Corinthians 10 v12 ][ Dear Lord help us not to be be forgetful of Your word, its warnings and instructions,help us to stand in our hours of temptation, and trials, in Jesus name Amen ]

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