verse of the day

Friday 1 May 2009

We are not as strong as we may think.[ MK14v29-31/ 66- 72 ]

We are not as strong as we think, I read these words in my study Bible, I thought so true, it reminded me of the time a number of my friends where having a talk, we were all single, and one of my friends said how he had got his sexual feelings under control. He was a fine young Christian, I wish I could have said the same thing, but it is an area in which I struggle even to this day, well later on I heard that my young friend had to get married because his girl friend became pregnant. In 1 Corinthians 10 v 12 we read,/ If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall/,very wise words for all of us to take in, consider King Solomon the wisest king who ever lived , he acted so shamefully, and fell so dramatically. Now none of us are meant to live in fear, but we are meant to live with a continual dependance on our Lord, simply bcause we are not as strong as we think.[ Dear God we come to You in our weakness, help us this day not to fall into sin, help us in those areas of our lives in which we think we are strong, to realise that we are not as strong as we think,grant us the grace of depending on You,we ask this in Jesus name Amen ]

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