verse of the day

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Hold your tongue [ Matthew 6 v 43 - 48 ]

We read about our Saviour, that when He was being treated harsly, He never said a word[ Isa 53v7/ Mt 27 v12], there is a time to be silent. Silence can often speak louder than words. Again let us consider our Saviour, in 1 Peter 2v 23, we read , / He did not retaliate when He was insulted, nor threaten revenge when He suffered. He left His case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly/. The challenge today is to be like Jesus, that means being silent, when we are being maligned,and ridiculed, and to leave the rightness of our cause in Gods hands, this is not easy, but who said being a Christian would be easy?. Words are so easily spoken,especially when we are under attack, when this is happening let us hold our tongue, and silently trust in our God. [ Father we thank You for looking after us, even when we are being treated wrongly, grant us the wisdom to know when to be silent, and in those times grant us the grace we need to hold our tongue, in Jesus name we ask this, Amen ]

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